King Louis XIII Strain Review and Ratings

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King Louis XIII Strain Review and Ratings

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King Louis XIII Strain Review – Regal Royalty Indeed!

This King Louis XIII strain review was made possible thanks to Green Society. Ge ready for some true luxury, not only is this strain hard to find but this is super high-grade quality bud from this supplier! I was very impressed with this potent strain.

King Louis XIII Strain Photo Gallery

King Louis XIII Strain Effects & Medicinal Benefits

Cannabis affects everyone differently, the below effects are not to be considered as medical advice, always seek a health professional before using cannabis for a medical condition.

Happy 95%
Body Buzz 80%
Energetic 70%
Euphoric 70%
Relaxed Cerebral 50%
Dry Mouth 40%
Dizzy 30%
Paranoid 15%
Stress 80%
Depression 50%
Anxiety 25%
Migraine 20%

King Louis XIII Strain Review, Information, Profile

King Louis XIII strain or King Louis for short, is a highly sought-after Southern California indica strain that is grabbing some well-deserved attention in the cannabis industry. Named after the royal King who ruled over France during the 17th century, this regal strain is notable for its rich aroma.

As an offspring of the forever classic OG Kush strain and super popular LA Confidential strain, King Louis XIII is fast-acting, and extremely potent, like mama said knock you out kinda potent! It is also incredibly rare to find King Louis XIII outside of Los Angeles I heard, but lucky you because if you follow this link you will find a source for this legendary strain at Green Society.


  • Indica Dominant
  • THC: 20% – 26%
  • CBD: > 1%
  • GENETICS: Ultra rare offspring of OG Kush and LA Confidential

Amanda’s King Louis XIII Experience

“You don’t get named after royalty for nothing.”

Mmmmm baby this was an amazingly floral bouquet that just gently landed upon my palette as I sat under the stars one night after the kind of day of wishes coming true. I relished in the fine light flavour and medium speed onset with the decent though not overpowering strength of this strain.

It makes me think this would be the perfect strain for social situations. It’s a gently relaxing kind of chill that pulls you out of your shell. That floral flavour though is something I just love personally.

I partook and smoked a hefty doobie and settled into this luxurious and comfy high. This is a great strain to work on as well. My thoughts were linear and current but everything was just flowing, although you will notice a decidedly day dreamy feeling about your time on this strain. I really enjoyed the chill factor and I think I would enjoy this for a go to after a really stressful or super busy day.

This strain smelled like the forest and lit up and smoked like the finest of flowers. It’s sure to please the pickiest of weed smokers, this rare gem won’t disappoint in the least.

Flavour and Aroma

The scent of these buds is super earthy, floral, with accents of pine, partnered with a light diesel alongside a hint of classic skunk. It’s the kind of fragrance you just enjoy inhaling all day long! King Louis is a refreshing and inspiring blend of such a sweet combination of elements, it leaves you breathing deeply and floating away on clouds of dreamy relaxation.

Bag Appeal

King Louis XIII features large dense lime green buds that are coated with an ultra-crisp layer of resinous trichomes to delight your eye. Dense nugs are abundant with orange hairs (or pistils weed snobs call them), and it is indeed a beauty to behold. The buds are highly resinous however and thusly require gentle care as many things of high quality.

King Louis XIII Final Ratings & Thoughts

The Chronic Beaver

Bag Appeal : 9
Value for Money: 9
Buzz Quality: 10
Flavor & Taste: 10
Medicinal Benefits: 8
Final Thoughts – This strain lives up to its regal name and will inspire the luxurious type of relaxation we can all use sometimes. It's the perfect strain for feeling a bit of luxury when life has you locked down in vice grips.